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Division Formation & Rationale

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Each time the league forms divisions they will use the data from the previous set of fixtures along with any information given on the entry forms. We ask that teams are honest in their assessment of their own teams to ensure we form the divisions as competitively as possible. If you feel you are an ORANGE ability team then you should pick “Very Good” on your applications. If we only have 2 or 3 “Very Good” teams then the league will use other data such as previous results to ensure we have enough teams in each division. 

We keep our divisions small (usually 6-8 teams) based on best practice from the FA meaning that games are more competitive and avoids high scoring games. This also allows us to reform at most age groups to allow another competition to happen in the season. Nobody benefits from a 15-0 match! We know managers like to play “more” varied teams which you are free to do so in friendlies and free weekends but as a league we are here to ensure all players enjoy their matches and this is the best way of doing so.

The only exception to this is where we have small numbers in an age group and any knock out age group wide cup competitions (U12 and above).